Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Gifts of the Protagonist

far Posted by Hello

"A fundamental reason for putting artists and children
together is that when they work together, the children
learn skills and forms of awareness that occur only in
the arts. They learn about the life of the imagination,
how to be keen observers and appreciators of experience."
(Karyn Callaghan)

and near Posted by Hello

"Young children and artists do share some common ways
of experiencing the world around them. They ask questions,
explore materials and are responsive to the rich visual
and sensory world around them. Artists and young children
are serious investigators and players. This comparison is
not to suggest that artists are young children but that
there are common characteristics that can be nurtured in
childhood". (Tarr, 1995)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

the forest for the trees

theforestforthetrees Posted by Hello

near Posted by Hello

andfar Posted by Hello